Volunteering at Mass
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Sunday and weekday Masses.
If you are interested in serving as a lector, please contact the parish office. All necessary training is provided by the parish.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist our priests in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass as needed (according to a schedule), and they also bring Holy Communion to the sick and elderly who are unable to attend Mass.
Ministers must be chosen by the Pastor, but if you are interested, please contact the Parish Office. All necessary training is provided by the parish.
Ushers are responsible for the order and decorum of liturgical services, for assisting people in finding seats, for taking up the collection, and for welcoming people to our church.
This ministry is open to the women and men of our parish. Please contact the Parish Office to volunteer. Ushers may assist on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or other schedule according to your desire and availability.
Altar Servers
Are you in or above grade 2, including in high school? Our priests need your help! Become an altar server today!
Altar servers are a very important part of the liturgy, adding to the dignity and beauty of our parish Masses and helping them run smoothly. They also help with setting up before Mass and cleaning up after Mass. They make sure that Father has everything he needs to celebrate Sunday and weekday Masses.
With age and experience, altar servers take on greater responsibilities at Mass, including using incense and even acting as a master of ceremonies.
Altar servers can also learn to serve weddings, funerals, confirmations, holy hours, processions, and other special liturgies and devotions.
Ongoing training is provided by our priests, and specially tailored vestments are provided by the parish (free of charge) for each altar server. If you (or your children) are interested in becoming altar servers at St. Gabriel's, please tell one of our priests or contact the parish office.
Music Ministry
Our Parish Music Ministry consists of instrumentalists (organ and piano) and singers who practice weekly and lead the music at our liturgies on Sundays and feast days.
New singers (English, Polish, or bilingual) and instrumentalists are welcome. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Sacristans are responsible for the sacristy, sanctuary and flower room. They also help to prepare the church for the major feasts of the year by assisting with decorations and cleaning.
This ministry can be undertaken according to your schedule. If interested, please contact the Parish Office or speak with Sr. Alice (Alicja).