Catholic Women's League
League Prayer:
We humbly pray you, O God our Father, to bless the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Bless our beloved country, our homes and families. Send your Holy Spirit upon us to give light to our minds and strength to our wills that we may know and fulfill your great law of charity. Teach us to share with others at home and abroad the good things you have given us. This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel. Amen.
Our meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Parish Hall.
See you there!
Connect with us today!
Upcoming Events
Potluck Supper: Mon., June 17 @ 6:30 pm
Our last meeting before the summer break will be a Potluck Supper on Monday, June 17, in the parish hall. Set up will be at 6:00 pm and dinner at 6:30 pm. All ladies of the Parish are invited. Hope to see you there!
St. Gabriel's Parish CWL Executive
Vice President
Past President
Pearlie Chan
Morag Wilson
Kathy Hamilton
Anne Walden
Faith Chairperson
Service Chairperson
Social Justice Chairperson
Jenn Paduch
Helen Crooker
Anne Cholewka
Lotte Fekete